Off-topic - Poland-Lithuania

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Off-topic - Poland-Lithuania

Postby Curio Agelastus on Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:09 pm


I realise this is extremely off-topic, but I'm getting somewhat infuriated. I've decided, in my unique way, that I don't know nearly enough about the Polish Empire. But English historians, it would appear, care little for this subject. I've searched the internet, I've searched the libraries, and I've searched the bookshops. And apart from a bland list of monarchs, I've found *nothing*.

So does anyone here know of anywhere I could read of more about the Polish Empire, especially at the height of its power?

Many thanks!

Bene valete,
Marcus Scribonius Curio Britannicus.
Marcus Scribonius Curio Agelastus
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Postby Publius Dionysius Mus on Fri Mar 28, 2003 12:29 pm

Salve Curio!

From our University's Slavic department: : very good search engine on Poland : Wirtualna Polska, Polish search engine (very slow) : Polish search engine : short collection of good links on Poland : free Polish encyclopedia : Many links : links to all Polish libraries

From these links I came across these sites:

You can always send an email to a university professor to ask for more information; most of the time they are glad to help.

Vale bene
Publius Dionysius Mus

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