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A Reminder of Piscinus...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:52 pm
by Marcus Lupinius Paulus
Speaking of UTube, which we weren't, I am cracking up over this...

I HATE rap. It is not an art form in my book. But what someone did to Eminem has me rolling opn the floor. that Piscinus singing???



PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:39 am
by Aldus Marius
Salve, mi Lupini!

'K, I'm still a Dense Fog...could you describe the video to those of us whose dialup connections tend to choke on rich media?

I looked up "gonnario", anyway, and got these Italian lyrics:

Sono Gonnario, sono Gonnario, bevo la birra come un dromedario
mi alzo al mattino fiasco di vino e verso sera grande imbriaghera
ed ogni giorno quando arrivo dentro il mio zilleri
quelli seduti si alzan tutti in piedi.

Sono Gonnario, sono Gonnario, un giorno l'hann detto al notiziario
che non trovando vino in cantina
mi son bevuto la varecchina,
leviamo in alto i calici e beviam vinnonno bello
cantando tutti insieme uno storlello

Al bar a bere, al bar a bere, al bar a bere, a bere al bar
Al bar a bere, al bar a bere, al bar a bere, a bere al bar
E questa è la canzone di Gonnario l'imbriaghone
E questa è la canzone di Gonnario l'imbriaghone

jattatarata, jattatarata, jattatarata, ta ta ta....

...but I still don't get the connection to Piscinus. (FWIW, I got brave and tried it, and that is definitely not his voice. Looked like a lot of fun, though!)

Hmmm.... >({|:-d

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:19 pm
by Marcus Lupinius Paulus
The Piscinus reference is a joke because the song is Italian, and isn't Piscinus Italian?

Anyway, the video is a scene from an Eminem movie where he is doing some typical foul mouthed illiterate rant. But the video maker put this hiokey Italian drinking song in as the soundtrack, and did a pretty good job matching Eminems mouth and body movements to the song.

I think the song is a drinking song.

Aww, *man*!! lmrao

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:45 pm
by Aldus Marius
Salve iterum, mi Paule!

Yes, noster Horatius is Italian. IIRC, one of his family names might even be Gennaro; furthermore, when I searched for "gonnario", the engine asked if I'd meant Gennaro instead.

It is definitely a drinking song! Rough translation:

I'm Gonnari/I drink like a dromedary
...more about wine, song and getting roaringly drunk...

I'm Gonnari/One of these days they're going to hand me over to the notiziari (police)
When I'm not downing wine in the canteen, I'm drinking (something else)
...more on that theme...

Chorus: From the bar to the beer from the bar to the beer from the bar to the beer from the beer to the bar
This is the drinking-song of Gonnari!

(I *think*; even if that's not it, it fits!) >({|;-)

And I have to agree with you: the synchronisation, even in the crowd shots, was superb!!



PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:31 am
by Aldus Marius
Salvete amici!

You know, I still watch this video whenever I need a laugh? (See--SVR Linkeage Is Forever!) >({|;-)
