Some statistics of this year

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Some statistics of this year

Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Thu Jan 02, 2003 12:45 pm

Salvete sodales et amici,

Some SVR statistics for those interested...

* Since May 2001, SVR has had a total of 122 members
* We currently have 40 members
* We currently have 53 unique forum members
* In last election, we had a voter turnout of 55%
* There are 3 male members for each female member of SVR
* We have members from 4 different continents
* We have members from 6 different countries
* Half of our members is from the US, spread across 16 states

Valete bene,
Gn. Dionysius Draco Invictus
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Postby Horatius Piscinus on Sat May 31, 2003 5:58 pm

Salvete Sodales!


Tomorrow marks SVR's second anniversary as an internet community, something for all of us to celebrate. Nothing that the founders or officers of SVR might point to as achievements, as measures of our success,.would be possible without the conviviality that has been created by all of SVR's members.

Tomorrow when we lay a wreath on our altar to honour the genius of SVR it will be with a fond smile and a little smirk. Libations we will pour to the gods and goddesses who watch over our societas, asking with a little laughter that They come and share in our community. In Their honour we will attend the Ludi where the brothers
Draco, Gnaeus and Tiberius, will put on chariot races. Perhaps in the Forum the candidates Romulus Orcus and Alexander Hellenos will be debating on a rectorship. We will stop in at the taverna to imbibe our wines while listening to Curio and Marius tell another story, or perhaps visit the confabularium for a little chat with Locatus. Then we will seek out Mus holding a symposium with himself over a few steins, or seek Allegra and Diana dancing with the Muses beneath the stars. With much happiness may the gods and goddesses look down upon all sodales of SVR.


M. Moravius Horatianus Piscinus
Consul iterum SVR
M Horatius Piscinus

Sapere aude!
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Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Sat May 31, 2003 9:09 pm

Salve mi Piscine!

Indeed we have come a long way already. But of course the Via Romana is eternal, and who knows where our paths of fellowship may lead us?

You forgot an important person in your posting: you! Who could forget
Piscinus' postings on religion, his careful historical research and his piety for the Gods? Surely if there is one among us sodales whom the gods favour, it must be Pisci! One doesn't just win three consecutive chariot races by sheer luck... and the fratres Dionysii are incorruptible so it's not our fault ;).

Di te ament, amice!
Di nos omnes ament!
Vivat Societas Via Romana!
Vivat Roma!

Gnaeus Dionysius Draco Invictus
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Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Sun Jun 01, 2003 11:18 am


I wanted to write this last night but I ran out of time :).

We should also not forget the efforts
Lupus has put into SVR! He's been one of our most active rectors and both his insights and dry wit are very much appreciated by both his friends and sodales. Also, I'd like to thank Tergestus and Coruncanius, former for his top quality administrational work and help and latter for contributing to some projects! SVR would be a much bleaker place without these excellent gentlemen!

Gn. Dionysius Draco Invictus
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