Why Religio?

This collegium and forum are dedicated to the study, discussion, re-creation and application of classical Roman and Greek religion and philosophy.

Moderator: Aldus Marius

Postby Anonymous on Wed Oct 22, 2003 9:45 pm

The Romans didn't demand of anyione to believe in their Gods. Neither did the Greeks. They saw the Olympians as some kind of collective of forces wich one had to respect, because they controlled varying aspects of life.
To a modern person, this sounds as a non-reason. But, like M Tullius Cicero pointed out, if makind has now belief in deities, they quickly begin to think that they can get away with anything.
This does , in my opinion not imply that there is a last judgement. I think that the Gods are there to help the people in varying aspects of life. One does not have to be their slave, like in some directions of christianity(not all). One can see them as friends. In return for their help you offer them something and believe in them. Do ut des, is the principle of religion. This principle does however not exclude a personal relationship with a particular God. (one can be more attracted to one God above another)
Also, Gods aren't jealouss, so don't be afraid to concentrate more on some Gods than on others. I believe that this is the strenght and vitality of Hellenismos and/or Religio Romana.

Perikles Eleutherius.


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