Draco's Mars Novel

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Draco's Mars Novel

Postby Marcus Lupinius Paulus on Sun Feb 19, 2006 6:49 pm

Several years ago I enjoyed reading Draco's Mars Novel, De Bello Nova Roma. Is it still posted in its entirety somewhere on the net? I wouold like to read it again.

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Mars Romae

Postby Aldus Marius on Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:50 pm

Salve, commilito...

I archived the thing in its entirety last spring, when (for odd reasons of my own) I was going through the Nova Roma List archives. Call it curiosity, or maybe a bid for closure (foreclosure? <g>); I wanted to know what had happened since we left. Other enjoyable bits, like Draco's novel or the Pizza satire (that was yours, wasn't it?), I saved also.

But I wonder if the Mars story would really be interesting to anyone not actually from Nova Roma or who was not familiar with the personalities mentioned? It was a great story, but very much of it depended on knowing who, for instance, the NR Cincinnatus was, and what kind of person he was perceived to be. Then the things the Cincin character does in the story, and the things that happen to him, make sense. Maybe not otherwise...?

Nobody's done a survey, but I think Sodales with a background in NR are in the minority here. Whenever the Other Place [OP] comes up here, I get PMs from people wanting to know what NR is, what it's about, why we talk about it the way we do. This has given me the impression that I'm one of the few on the premises that knows anything about it. Most of the others you would recognize from the Ides of March resignations. Not many since then, I don't think...except every once in a while when the NR List gets its toga in a twist about us; Cives drift over to have a look for themselves--it's some of the best free advertising we have! >({|:-D

'Course, if anyone would like to see it I can post it in the Collegium Artium, pending Draco's permission. Said Collegium is not about ancient art only, but also covers any modern creative works inspired by Rome--our own included.

Or I can just send you a copy...

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Bodies Falling

Postby Marcus Lupinius Paulus on Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:55 pm

Hey Mari,

The Ides of March resignations actually had a bad effect on Draco's efforts, for they forced him to change his story line. A Nova Roma based fiction of course uses Nova Roma members as characters, and when a bunch of people resigned, Draco was forced to somehow get rid of the characters. Since he had already started writing and posting the story, the only way to do this was to kill them off. So here we have a narrative going on rather well, and all of a sudden half the characters are getting killed, bodies dropping all over the place! I loved it! :D

The Pizza story was mine, and has the distinction of being the first NR fiction. It was on their webpage but I asked it be removed when I left. It was called The Scroll.

Since then, I can only start writing things, but cannot finish them because they always end up turning into crap! "The Inquiry" got only a few chapters and then the ideas were just getting more and more far fetched. So too were attempts at parodies of Gladiator and Spartacus.

And when I was in Cuba I managed to write a complete short story called The Return. And when it was done, the computer lost power and poof! The story was lost. I did not have the heart to try to remake it after that.

Oh....I wrote a Minerva poem around the same time, which was also excrement. So, I gave up writing after that.

But yes...if you have Dracos story and could email it to me, I would enjoy reading it again.

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Mars novel

Postby Aldus Marius on Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:03 am

Can do, will do. I'll try to have it to you in the next couple of days. Ping me if I don't.

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Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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Postby Gnaeus Dionysius Draco on Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:54 pm

Salvete viri,

Hehe, that story I wrote back then was pretty wretched if I think of it again. And yes, Lupini, you are right in your analysis about that whole Ides of March thing.

Well, when I have more time on my hands, and the Muses drive me into the arms of the Ancients again, I'll give it a paint job and make it into the story it could have been.

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Postby Marcus Lupinius Paulus on Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:11 am

Salve Draco!

Well, if you ever do decide to rewrite it, be sure to post it here somewhere.

I remember another thing we were doing was creating a tradition in OP fiction for Cassius to be killed. Cassius was already dead at the beginning of your story, and he was killed by another Draco {not you} in the synopsis for the unfinished 'Inquiry'. {Maybe both of us leaving the OP was good for his health.}

Congratualtions on becoming a master of Germanic languages. Do you plan to teach at a university?

As for my writing, see the above post to Marius. My material tended to start well, and decline very quickly. I don't write at all now, but perhaps the re-write of the Spartacus movie script can be done one day.

I printed out the story though, and am reading it some each day as I can.


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Postby Aldus Marius on Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:19 am

Salve, mi Paule!

If you'd like to get your writer-feet wet a little at a time instead of all at once, you could always come join us in the RP Thread (CollArt). There you might post maybe a paragraph or two at a time; others are helping write the story; and we're really good about waiting until the next player is ready to post again.

There is an OOC ('Out of Character') thread for the RP as well. We're at a great pause in the story right now for newbies; I recently posted a plot summary for anyone wanting to jump in.

The OOC thread is also a good place to kick around ideas for your character. As for ideas for the story...we do that by PM. Mustn't spoil the suspense for our readers, en'? >({|;-)

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Aldus Marius Peregrinus.
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