by Valerius Claudius Iohanes on Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:27 am
Salvete, qui iam hoc in sito restant.
Timavus (Benefactor Novi Siti) has proposed elsewhere that we recognize the absurdity of trying to apply the old Regulae Fundamentales to a Sodalitas made up of only a handful of semi-active members. I hope, Timave, that you don't mind me doing this in your place. Since no elections were held, there are no proper officials, and plainly the Regula are not being observed - and indeed, they no longer have their role to play. De facto, we're simply a group of 'old-timers' meeting at a favorite old haunt.
Until the poll on on having elections, I had not realized the disjuncture there was between the few active folk and the "great, uninterested masses". It's possible the SVR may be revived - if it were to be, it would follow some new surge of interest, and would involve new folk. In meantime I think we did right in preserving what it was.
But, re the Regula, they're a dead letter. And I'd like to wrap that up formally. I'm going to offer a Stipulation that we can vote on and that, if carried by a simple majority, will be published here and recorded in the Regulae section on the SVR website.
STIPULATED, by the active Sodales still in attendance at the Fora and the Comitia of the Societas Via Romana, that as of the Kalends Ianuariae AUC 2763 no officers have been elected to serve, that per Regulas the prior officers' terms have all expired, and that as of this hour we recognize that the Regulae Fundamentales are no longer in effect.
STIPULATED ALSO, that the surviving active Sodales shall govern and maintain the Societas Via Romana as needed by means of a simple democracy, until such time as these Stipulations are superseded.
Please, if you agree, post your agreement. If you disagree, that also.
Valete, amici.
Valerius Claudius Iohannes
Curator anno MMDCCLXII
Centurio Honorarius Societatis
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