Introduction & FAQ
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La Societas Via Romana (Société Voie Romaine) est un société multiculturelle, créative et organique qui celèbre l'héritage du monde antique à la humanité, concernant en particulier ses facettes qui sont encore pertinant à la vie contemporaine.

Nous sommes multiculturelles, car malgré notre attention plus spécifique pour la civilisation Romaine, nous nous disputons aussi sur des autres civilisations antiques comme Hellas, Carthago ou Etruria. Nous sommes aussi multiculturelles, car nous acceptons membres de chaque culture et classe possible, et ambitionnons le dialogue interculturel.

Nous sommes créatives, parce que nous voudrions une expression créative de notre Romanitas dans des essais, récits de voyages, disputations, chats ou histoires, explorant plusieurs régions de la Via Romana. Cette créativité. Naturellement, des disputations et études critiques sont aussi important. À cette façon, nous croyons que l'héritage Romain reste vivant.

Nous sommes organiques: la Societas Via Romana se déplie dans plusieurs Collegia, qui s'agissent d'une facette de la vie Romaine en detail. Cettes Collegia peuvent être crée par les membres, et sont notre branches principales de vie. Il est aussi possible de créer des provinciae, des groupes locales qui se rencontrent regulièrement.

Être membre est absolument gratuite, et vous pouvez trouver des informations supplementaires sur la reste de notre site, ou par écrire les administrateurs.

La communauté libre de la Societas Via Romana vous acceuille!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Are you guys nutcases or what?
No, we are not crazy. Nor are we a sect, or any kind of political or religious group. What we are is a community of Roman-culture enthusiasts and Romans-in-spirit, here to share and enjoy every aspect of the Roman Heritage. Yes, we are quite passionate about what we do; but all in all you'll find us a rather relaxed bunch with our heads still screwed on tightly. (Well, okay, we have one Resident Madman...but he's harmless, we promise!)
  • How much does membership cost?
Absolutely nothing. All you have to do is send in a membership application (available on this site) and subscribe to our Forum Board. Membership carries no further costs and no obligations, other than that of your presence, enthusiasm, and hopefully your active participation!
  • What's the deal with the Roman names? Are you roleplayers?
All of our members, and most of our subscribers, take Roman names when they register. They do this because, in many cases, their felt connection to the Heritage is strong; they identify with Ancient Rome, and so come to identify themselves as Romans. Members are discouraged from naming themselves after famous historical figures; the names they choose are expressions of their Roman selves, a thing that goes far beyond roleplaying.

Our use of Roman names also contributes to the period 'atmosphere' of our virtual gatherings; we like to think that, if ancient Rome had lasted until the present day, She might have wound up something like this.
  • What's the difference between a Forum subscriber and an SVR member?
Anyone can register on the Forum Board. Subscribers may read, reply to, and even start topics for discussion. However, only members (whom we call sodales) may form a Collegium (a branch of discussion, such as History, Arts, or Daily Life), or vote in polls and elections affecting the Societas. They can also contribute articles, images, and essays to our Web site. And only members can hold administrative positions within the SVR.

Actually there's no real benefit in just being a Board subscriber since membership in SVR is free anyway. And you get an official Roman name. What a deal, huh?
  • How do these Collegia work? Can I found one myself?
A Collegium is a section of the Forum Board which covers a particular facet of Rome or the classical world. We currently have Collegia for History, Arts and Sciences, Religion, Philosophy, Ancient Languages, Military, and Daily Life. Each Collegium becomes a workshop where everyone dirties their virtual hands in scholarly discussion, the writing of essays, and the sharing of links and other material. We have had Latin lessons, philosophical symposia, and even HTML workshops in our Collegia; and many Collegium topics become raw material for the Web site. The potential list is endless. And yes, SVR members can found their own Collegia! If there are at least three of you and you see an area of Roman life that is not already being covered, ask a Moderator or the Forum Admin and we can open an area up for you.
  • If I write an essay for you, who has the copyright over it?
You do. We don't "own" our members; anything you produce remains your intellectual property. Our Webmasters may edit for spelling and grammar, and any links provided must be current; as a courtesy, we request that you check them before submission. As with any publisher, not everything we receive ends up on the site, but all contributions are acknowledged and appreciated. So if you see something about Ancient Rome that isn't being said, and you know enough to say it, by all means share!
  • Are you a micronation?
Initially, some people may be under the impression that the Societas Via Romana is a micronation (an online "country" with its own laws, magistrates and constitution), simply because some of the larger Roman-heritage societies are organised in this way. We, however, are not a micronation. We don't have territorial aspirations and don't call ourselves a "state" or consider ourselves as having a "government". We are an organisation and an online community of Roman enthusiasts, completely different in spirit and purpose. Nova Roma is a Roman Internet micronation (see above) whose stated purpose is the re-creation and revival of Roman culture in the modern world. Many of our members, and most of our founders, came from Nova Roma, and we still get some of our most productive people from there. However, we are not formally affiliated with NR or anything like it. Some of our sodales are concurrent Citizens of Nova Roma; neither society objects to the arrangement. But, as may be seen, there are great differences between the two organisations. The Societas Via Romana is not a micronation and is not interested in becoming or being absorbed by one; the micronational movement in general has been host to some extremist elements, whose activities and attitudes only damage the reputation of serious groups with a Roman theme.

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