Regula Fundamentalis
(as last amended on 1 Aug 2757)
  1. Identity, Nature, Goals, and Principia

    1. The Societas Via Romana is an international fellowship and community dedicated to the remembrance, re-enactment and, as far as applicable, re-creation, of the Roman heritage of Mankind, especially in its humanism, universalism, and dedication to freedom under the rational rule of law, as well as the Religio Romana, the Lingua Latina, the philosophy, literature, and virtues of Rome, and other aspects of the multicultural Roman civilization maintaining validity and worth to the present era.

    2. The Societas is aware of the role of the Internet in the contemporary world and consciously bases its existence and functioning thereon, which does not exclude traditional methods of national or local recognition. The Societas recognizes only its own enactments as morally binding upon itself or its members qua members, in view of its international and autonomous character.

    3. The Societas recognizes Latin as its official language, and English as the second and communicative language. All other languages shall also be permitted, bearing in mind that there will be members who do not understand certain languages. In the construal of any formal document of the Societas the official Latin version shall govern, if extant, Latin being the default reference language. All members ignorant of Latin at joining shall be encouraged to begin study thereof, although this shall be purely voluntary.

    4. The Societas guarantees full freedom of religious belief, conscience and practice to its members in whatever tradition, philosophy or faith they follow, so long as they do not run counter [to] the spirit and letter of the Regula Fundamentalis.

    5. The Societas recognizes the philosophical traditions of Graeco-Roman civilization to be a major intellectual treasure of the human race, and encourages the practical appropriation thereof by the individual and the application of Philosophia individually and collectively for the betterment of the individual and the world, to which it is still highly relevant.

    6. The Societas regards the literature of the Classical world to be the foundation of the humanistic tradition, the interest of human being in human being, and the discovery of Western humanity, a vehicle bringing the living presences of the far past down to the present to fascinate, move and inspire.

    7. Membership in the Societas Via Romana is not to be sought for itself, simply to belong passively. The Societas urges every member to find specific modes of active contribution for themselves in one or more of its institutions. Membership in the Societas is a quest of exploration, an instrument of self-improvement and an offer of service. We define activity as doing one or more of the following things at least once in six months: posting on one or more of our official avenues; voting or participating in elections; joining in scheduled chat sessions and/or real life meetings; and writing contributions for the site.

      1. Should a member not meet the requirements for activity set in the above paragraph in the sixth month of his membership, he will be informed of his or her status by the Censores acting collegially, inquiring if said member is still interested in membership.

        1. If the Censores receive a negative answer, the inactive member will be removed from the Societas Via Romana.

        2. If the Censores receive no answer within a term of three weeks, the Censores shall pass this name on to the Praetores, who shall remove this member from the Societas Via Romana by means of an arbitrium. Said member shall be informed of his right of provocatio therein. If this does not happen, the removal of said member will be considered illegal.

      2. Should a member not meet the requirements for activity set in the above paragraph for a third consecutive time, said member's case will be passed on to the Praetores immediately, who must then decide whether or not to use an arbitrium to remove the member.

  2. Formal Basis

    1. This Regula represents the supreme formal authority for the Societas Via Romana and all Magistratus and institutions derive their authority solely herefrom. All decreta passed by the Comitia, magisterial edicta and Senatusconsulta shall be valid only insofar as they are in accord with this Regula.

    2. This Regula may be amended only by a vote of two thirds of the whole voting membership of the Senatus ratified by a decretum passed by a normal majority of the whole voting membership of the Comitia Generalia.

    3. This Regula shall be the highest formal authority within the Societas Via Romana. It shall be followed in formal authority by notae issued by a Magister Morum, edicta issued by the Consules acting under the Senatusconsultum ultimum, decreta properly voted and passed by the Comitia Generalia, Senatusconsulta, and magisterial edicta in order of descending authority of the Magistratus described in Article V of this Regula. Should the action of a lower authority conflict with a higher authority, the higher authority shall prevail except as otherwise provided. However, a higher authority may not directly regulate matters assigned by this Regula to a specific lower Magistratus except negatively by intercessio to avoid abuse or serious harm. Should a decretum passed by the Comitia or consultum of the Senatus or edictum of a Magistratus contradict another passed by the same authority without explicitly superceding the previous one, the most recent shall nonetheless prevail.

    4. The use of male pronouns, adjectives and titles within this Regula is solely for clarity of expression, and shall not be construed to imply any disparity of rights or prestige between genders in the Societas. The appropriate feminine titles shall be used in the case of female candidates and incumbents in office, and shall be exactly equivalent in legal significance and dignity to the masculine forms.

  3. Members and Gentes

    1. Membership

      1. Any person may apply for membership on a basis of equality, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic group, language preference or religious conviction. Sincere interest in Romanitas and active membership in at least one Collegium of the Societas prior to final membership approval shall be the main criteria for membership.

      2. Membership shall be automatically granted by the Censores upon demonstration of fulfillment of all criteria. When both Censores believe an applicant to be unqualified for membership, the application may be denied, subject to a right of appeal to the Praetores, of which right the denied applicant must be adequately informed. The Praetores, after investigation and acting collegially, may overrule the Censorial denial, upon which the Censors shall register the applicant as a member.

      3. The Societas discourages membership applications from extremist political, religious or ideological motivations. These run counter to the spirit of the Societas Via Romana.

      4. Membership in or public alignment with neo-fascist, ultra-rightist, ultra-leftist, racist, anti-semitic, totalitarian and/or terrorist organisations is considered adequate reason for denial or withdrawal of membership. Failure to mention such affiliation or orientation at time of membership application is due cause for summary expulsion by both Censores acting collegially. Subsequent evidence of such affiliations if discovered shall be reported to the Praetores for investigation and possible expulsion trial, or to the Magister Morum if one has been appointed.

      5. Membership may be involuntarily revoked by a Praetorial arbitrium (judgement) sentencing a member to expulsion according to fixed conditions after due investigation of guilt in a case under his adjudication. This is subject to intercessio by his colleague or by both Consules acting collegially, or to provocatio. Those losing in an act of provocatio before the Comitia shall likewise have their membership revoked under the terms set by the arbitrium of the Praetor. Provisions made for inactive members (article I, section 7) and violations against the list policies created by the Aediles also fall under this article.

      6. A voluntary relinquishing of membership may be effected by public statement on the Comitia of the Societas Via Romana or a private email to the Censores.

      7. Members in good standing having voluntarily resigned shall have the right to return at will through the normal application process, which may be accelerated for them if the Censores have their original records still available. The return of those whose membership was involuntarily revoked shall be as described in this Regula, by the original conditions of expulsion, and by pertinent decreta and Praetorial ]edicta.

    2. The following rights of the members shall be guaranteed, but are not limited to:

      1. Complete liberty of conscience and belief, and authority over personal and household rites and practices, pagan or otherwise, save that neither blood sacrifice, human or animal, nor bodily mutilation may be associated with the Societas or its religious teachings and practices either within the Societas or before the general public;

      2. The right to vote in elections as members of the Comitia Generalia on matters brought before the membership in such manner as described in this Regula, which right may not for any reason be denied or abridged except for conviction by the Praetores of an offence connected with voting or serving with malfeasance as Rogator;

      3. The right to participate in all public discussions in the principal fora of public discussion. Regardless of their content, communications in these fora may not be restricted by any authority, except where they represent insult, harassment, slander, malicious ridicule, or incitement to hatred, violence or intolerance. Also forbidden are messages containing Spam or all sorts of commercial promotion whatsoever. Such officially sponsored fora shall be moderated in the interests of maintaining order and civility, and shall be open to all languages equally.

      4. The right to appeal to the Praetores for adjudication in case of a magisterial act relating directly to a particular member or definable class of members and perceived as being against the letter of this Regula or of decreta guaranteeing individual rights, personal dignity or freedom from discrimination. In such cases the Praetores may prevail over all other Magistratus in the interpretation of the protective enactments of the Societas.

      5. The right of provocatio, i.e. to appeal to a general vote of the Comitia Generalia a decision of a Praetorial court that would remove an elected Magistratus from office or expel a member from the Societas, except as otherwise limited by this Regula.

      6. The right to recourse before the Praetores for slander, libel, demeaning ridicule or injurious insult taking place under the immediate jurisdiction of the Societas, or for misbehaviour of Magistratus in an official capacity, including Collegial officials, towards an individual member or towards a collegium.

      7. The privilege as a new member to be appointed by the Censores a praeceptor (mentor) from among the more informed and responsible members of the Societas to provide personal guidance in learning the rules, rights, customs and procedures of the Societas, learning to take advantage of the educational, cultural and social opportunities available, and in finding concrete ways of making a specific contribution to the work of the Societas.

    3. The Ordines (Orders)

      Members of the Orders are fundamentally equal except for prestige and as provided below. No member may be simultaneously attributed to more than one Order. The Orders into which all members shall fall are:

      1. The Ordo Patricius (Patrician Order). Those members who have proven their exceptional merit and commitment to the Societas Via Romana and its work may be elevated to the Patrician Order by collegial decision of the Censores. No more than five individuals or five percent of the total number of Plebeian members may be so elevated in any calendar year, whichever is the larger number.

      2. Ordo Plebeius (Plebeian Order). All other members belong to the Plebeian Order.

    4. Familiae and Gentes

      1. The familia being the basic unit of Roman society, the prerogatives and responsibilities of the familia are of great importance to the Societas Via Romana. Except where specifically dealt with in this Regula and any relevant decreta, each familia shall have the right to determine its own course of action.

      2. The Societas grants each member's children the right to be considered minor associates (socii minores) with full social privileges but no voting or legal rights as members until the age of 15, depending on the will of the parent member(s) for the minor. The Censores shall append such associates to the familia of the parent member(s). Within six months of reaching the age of 15 the child shall determine for himself whether to pass into full adult membership or be removed from the Alba of the Societas altogether, and shall so inform the Censores. Failure to contact them within the period stipulated above shall be construed as a desire for removal.

      3. (REMOVED)

      4. Gentes are those groupings of familiae who share a common nomen (surname). Gentes shall have the gentiles with the longest continuous membership in the Societas appointed by the Censores as their Principes Gentis, provided that these accept this nomination. Gentes may, if they prefer by a majority decision indicated by a petition bearing the names of that majority, elect a Princeps Gentis to represent them. The Censores shall register these gentes, together with their Principes.

      5. All official names used in the Societas shall be Latin and Roman in structure, permissibly incorporating Latinised elements associated with other Roman-area societies, consisting of a praenomen, nomen, and optional cognomen and agnomen. The Censores shall see to the grammatical and formal correctness and internal consistency of these names, and the consistency of the name with other familia members. Members may announce changes to their names to the Censores at their pleasure, providing that the above criteria are met. Men or women or both may change their nomina and thus gens affiliation at marriage, or a spouse may add her [s]pouse's nomen in the appropriate gender to his/her existing name as a variety of agnomen without the necessity to change gens affiliation. No one may belong to more than one gens simultaneously. The grammatical gender chosen by a member for his or her name is presumed to indicate his or her preferred social gender.

  4. Comitia Generalia

    The Comitia Generalia Societatis (General Assembly of the Society) shall be made up of all members. The Comitia may be convoked by a Consul or a Praetor, and any of these convokers may lay issues for discussion and vote before the Comitia. Only the Comitia Generalia shall pass decreta governing the rules by which they shall operate internally. All types of votes described in this Regula are normal majority votes of the voting members, unless explicitly stated otherwise. They shall have the following powers:

    1. To enact decreta binding upon the Magistratus and all members;

    2. To elect all elected officers;

    3. (DELETED)

    4. To hear and judge in all cases of provocatio, i.e. appeals against a magisterial act that would deprive of elected office or membership;

    5. To make final judgment on appeals of Collegia having been denied recognition by the Senatus;

    6. To vote to approve or reject the annual budget and annual revenue-raising relatio (bill) from the Senatus.

  5. Magistratus

    1. Magistratus are the elected and appointed officials responsible for the maintenance and conduct of the affairs of the Societas. Qualifications necessary to hold these positions may be enacted by decreta passed by the Comitia Generalia. Magistratus holding auctoritas speak officially for the Societas as a whole in their own right as elected representatives of the membership and agents of this Regula and the decreta of the Societas. No member may be re-elected to the same office until at least a full year shall have passed since he last held it. No member may hold two or more elective general magisterial positions simultaneously, but Collegial positions may be held simultaneously with general positions, and with each other according to the provisions of the Collegia in question.

    2. Elections of the Magistratus ordinarii (regularly elected) shall take place no later than the Ides of December each year, and these newly-elected officials shall assume their offices on the Kalends of January of the year following. Should an office become vacant before the Kalends of November and suitable candidates are at hand, an election shall be held in the Comitia Generalia to elect a successor to serve out the remainder of the term, i.e. a suffectus. Should one of the ordinarii be found to be derelict in his duties, that Magistratus may be removed by a decretum of revocatio (recall) originating in the Comitia.

      The Magistratus ordinarii, in decreasing order of authority, are as follows:

    3. Censores: Two Censores shall be elected by the Comitia Generalia to serve a term lasting two years, to be elected in alternate years so as to have a one-year overlap of terms. The Censor shall have the following powers and obligations:

      1. To maintain the Album Sodalium (list of Members) and appropriate information regarding them;

      2. To maintain the Album Senatorum (list of Senators), and appropriate information regarding them;

      3. To maintain the Album Magistratuum (list of Magistrates), and appropriate information regarding them;

      4. To elevate members to the Patrician Order in accordance with the provisions of this Regula and pertinent decreta;

      5. To maintain the Alba Collegialia (list of members of the Collegia) and appropriate information regarding them;

      6. To safeguard the public morality and honour through the collegial administering of notae of censure, which however shall not impair a person's normal membership rights or membership in the Senatus. If necessary however, the Censores may appeal to the Praetores to take action if the notae have no effect at all;

      7. To admit applicants to membership in accordance with the provisions of this Regula and relevant decreta;

      8. To appoint well-informed praeceptores of good character to new members or approve their selection thereof;

      9. To sit ex officio in the Senatus;

      10. To appoint and dismiss scribae censorii (Censorial clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as each shall see fit.

    4. Consules: Two Consules shall be elected annually by the Comitia Generalia to serve a term lasting one year. They shall have the following honours, powers, and obligations:

      1. To hold auctoritas;

      2. To issue those edicta desirable to advance the mission and purposes of the Societas;

      3. To convoke the Senatus and the Comitia Generalia to carry out their duties, and set matters before them for discussion and vote;

      4. To investigate the practices and functioning of the Collegia for democracy, legality and responsibleness, to subpoena information necessary thereto, and to appoint Prorectores in Collegia unable to elect a Rector;

      5. To pronounce intercessio (intercession, a veto) against the other Consul or a magistrate of lesser authority;

      6. To sit ex officio in the Senatus;

      7. To appoint and dismiss scribae consulares (Consular clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as each shall see fit.

    5. Praetores: Two Praetores shall be elected by the Comitia Generalia to serve a term lasting one year. They shall have the following honours, powers, and obligations:

      1. To hold auctoritas;

      2. To issue those edicta desirable to advance the mission and purposes of the Societas and set forth their principles for interpreting and administering this Regula and the decreta of the Societas in the process of rendering justice;

      3. To collegially remove a member of the Societas from the fora if the majority of Aediles has requested so, in which case the Praetores must investigate the case and decide whether or not to remove the member from the fora, and for what period, by means of an arbitrium. If the person in question is a Praetor or if one of the two Praetores is away for an indefinite or long period of time, the other Praetor may take this decision alone. Aediles shall retain the right to remove non-members from the fora on their own authority.

      4. To collegially investigate and reverse a decision by the Censores to deny membership to an applicant, in which proceedings their decisions shall be immune from intercessio and provocatio.

      5. To render judgement in adjudications and enforce the same, including removal of membership, subject to the limitations imposed by intercessio and provocatio, a Consul, however, having no right of intercessio in his own or his colleague's case;

      6. To convoke the Senatus and the Comitia Generalia and set matters before them for discussion and vote when the Consuls are unavailable or delegate that task;

      7. To pronounce intercessio against the other Praetor or other Magistratus of lesser authority;

      8. To sit ex officio in the Senatus;

      9. To appoint and dismiss scribae praetorii (Praetorian clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as each shall see fit.

    6. Aediles: No less than two, and no more than six Aediles - the exact number shall be determined by the Senatus each year before the elections - shall be elected by the Comitia Generalia to serve a term lasting one year. Candidates for this position receiving the highest or second highest number of votes shall be Aediles Maiores, and the rest shall be Aediles Minores. They shall have the following honours, powers, and obligations:

      1. To hold auctoritas;

      2. To maintain order and civility on the Internet fora of the Societas;

      3. To create and maintain the Web sites of the Societas, including those of the Collegia;

      4. To pronounce intercessio against another Aedilis or magistratus of lesser authority;

      5. To serve on the Collegium Aedilicium made up of all Aediles, which body shall divide the duties of the Aediles among its members at the beginning of each year and collectively monitor the carrying out of the same;

      6. To investigate the practices and functioning of the Collegia for democracy, legality and responsibleness, to subpoena information necessary thereto, and to appoint Prorectores in Collegia unable to elect a Rector;

      7. To sit ex officio in the Senatus, provided they are Aediles Maiores. Suffecti do not fall under this article.

      8. To appoint and dismiss scribae aedilicii (Aedilician Clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as each shall see fit.

      9. To elevate scribae aedilicii to the status of Aedilis Suffectus when needed, by a two-thirds majority vote in the Collegium Aedilicium.

      10. To have the right to run for the office of Aedilis sooner than one year has passed after they last held the office, exempting them from the restrictions set in article V.1.

    7. Quaestores: Two Quaestores Generales shall be appointed by the Senatus to serve a term lasting one year, during which they shall not hold other elective or appointive office including in the Collegia. Quaestores may be re-appointed indefinitely. The Quaestores shall have the following powers and obligations:

      1. To cooperate with the Senatus and the members of the Societas in making an annual budget;

      2. To keep the aerarium (treasury) and all records associated with it and report to the membership once in each quarter on the financial status of the aerarium;

      3. To keep detailed and accurate records of the official income and expenditures regarding the Societas of each Magistratus and to make these available to the other Magistratus, the Senatus and the membership.

      4. To be exempt, during any year in which they serve more than six full months, from any dues of the Societas which otherwise would owed by him for that year;

      5. To become an automatic candidate for the Ordo Patricius the year they serve as Quaestor.

    8. Rogatores: No more than four, and no less than two Rogatores shall be elected by the Comitia Generalia to serve a term lasting one year - the exact number to be determined each year by the Senatus. If no Rogator is available to carry out the elections for other Rogatores, the Senate may appoint two responsible members not running for the office to carry out as Prorogatores balloting for one or more Rogatores. Rogatores shall have the following (dis)abilities, powers and obligations:

      1. To count and register votes in the elections of the Comitia Generalia and secret votes of the Senatus;

      2. To be unable to stand for office in the year that they serve in this capacity;

      3. To be eligible for automatic elevation to the Ordo Patricius the year they serve as Rogator.

    9. Tribuni Sodalium (Tribunes of the Members): Two tribunes shall be elected by the Comitia Generalia to serve a term lasting one year. They shall have the following powers and obligations:

      1. To protect the rights of the members;

      2. To be sacrosanct in their persons and immune to adjudicative procedures and any and all restrictions of their freedom of expression on the Mailing Lists under the control of the Aediles during their tenure in office;

      3. To be immune from intercessio pronounced by other Magistratus except other Tribuni;

      4. To individually pronounce intercessio against the actions of any other Magistratus including other Tribuni, Senatusconsulta, and laws passed by the Comitia when they feel that the spirit and/or the letter of this Regula or any decretum protective of human rights is being violated thereby or any clearly unjust act being committed, this being subject to the intercessio of any other Tribunus;

      5. To be privy to the debates of the Senatus, and keep the members of the Societas informed as to the content and progress thereof;

      6. To convoke the Senatus and the Comitia Generalia and set matters before them for discussion and vote.

  6. The Senatus

    1. The policy-making and oversight authority for the Societas Via Romana shall be embodied in its Senatus. Each Senator shall have only one vote regardless of serving in more than one office. If a Senator has been in the Senatus for five full consecutive years or seven full years non-consecutively, his membership shall become for life.

    2. The Senatus shall have the following honours, powers, and obligations:

      1. As the repository of experience and wisdom in the affairs of the Societas, the Senatus shall have the authority to issue Senatusconsulta (Advice of the Senate) on those topics upon which it shall see fit to comment. Proposed Senatusconsulta may be drafted and issues brought up for consideration by any individual Senator according to the regulae of the Senatus.

      2. No later than the last day of November of each year, the Senatus shall prepare a budget for the following year, in cooperation with the Quaestores. This budget shall deal with the disbursement of funds from the aerarium to the Quaestores to Magistratus and Collegia for various purposes. The Quaestores Generales shall be collegially responsible for the maintenance of the aerarium, but no funds from it may be disbursed without the prior approval of the budget duly approved by Senatus and Comitia Generalia. The Senatus may, as required by changing circumstances, pass supplemental Senatusconsulta to modify the annual budget. Each original annual budget must be approved by the Comitia Generalia to take effect.

      3. The Senatus may, by Senatusconsultum, enact rules governing its own internal procedures and such Senatusconsulta may not be overruled by laws passed in the Comitia, except those to ensure adequate transparency and disclosure. All votes of the Senatus should be made public for each Senator by a Consul or a Praetor, including any comments a Senator may wish to make upon his voting in explanation thereof, except when legitimate protection of individual privacy, or matters affecting the security of the Societas are involved, or other matters for which this Regula specifically prescribes secret votes.

  7. Provinciae

    Provinciae are local groups of members of the Societas organised into a smaller sub-group. Activities of provinciae include but are not limited to: gatherings, museum and/or exposition visits, creative projects and active promotion of the Societas within their area.

    1. Prior to becoming an official provincia, an area must fulfill the following qualifications:

      1. To have at least five members in the area of the future provincia;

      2. To have a candidate for Praefectus, already agreed and voted upon by the members of the future provincia, excluding the future Praefectus himself in this vote. If there is only one candidate, the prospective members will still have the choice to vote against them. Elected Praefecti may be removed from office by a local majority vote of the voting members.

      3. If both qualifications are met, the Senatus shall vote on the recognition of said provincia. Provinciae may also be derecognised by the Senatus if the area has been inactive for over a year.

    2. The Praefectus, elected in December each year, shall have the following powers, honours and obligations:

      1. To officially represent his provincia for the Societas Via Romana;
      2. To organise activities within his area and encourage members to become active;
      3. To appoint and dismiss scribae praefecti as he sees fit;
      4. To not act counter [to] the spirit and/or letter of the Regula.

  8. Collegia

    1. The Collegia shall be the functional basis of the Societas Via Romana in which its principal activities, as divided by theme, shall be carried out. These Collegia are meant to further the mission and spread of Romanitas in the world and in the Societas, and their purposes shall include, but not be limited to: study, research, re-creation, education, and discussion relating to the Roman and Roman-area civilisation and its appreciation and application in modern times.

    2. Collegia shall be headed by Rectores, who are to be elected yearly by the members of the several Collegia. If there is only one candidate, the prospective members of said Collegium can still choose by majority vote not to appoint him Rector. The Consules shall then collectively appoint an interim Prorector until another candidate can be found and voted upon. Whenever a new candidate proposes himself, the Prorector shall conduct balloting within thirty days according to the statutes of the Collegium. Such candidate shall take office, if unopposed, only by receiving a majority of votes cast.

    3. Collegia may be founded by a minimum of three members, and after organising themselves internally and electing a Rector, they must submit their application to the Senatus, which shall then vote on its recognition. Should the Senatus decline to grant such recognition, the Collegium in question may apply to the Comitia Generalia, whose decision is final for the period of one year from the date of refusal, after which time a new application may be made. Should the Senatus or Comitia officially recognize the Collegium, the Rector thereof and his successors automatically become ex officio members of the Senatus during their tenure in office. Collegia may be derecognised by a two-thirds vote of the entire Senatus, excluding the Rector of the Collegium in question from the calculation and the vote. Collegia may also be derecognised by a majority vote of the Comitia Generalia in which members of the Collegium being voted upon shall have full voting rights.

    4. Collegia are required to hold general elections for Rector or any other position they may require no earlier than at the end of June and no later than the end of July each year.

  9. Implementation

    1. This Societas is declared founded by the Co-conditores, who collectively proclaim this Regula to be adopted and in force. Each is, all other provisions notwithstanding, a full member in good standing of the Societas Via Romana and member of the Senatus:

      1. Gnaeus Dionysius Scorpio Invictus
      2. Lucius Silvanius Florus
      3. Quintus Pomponius Atticus
      4. Marcus Pomponius Lupus

      Collegium Philosophicum, Latinum, Religionis and Artium are simultaneously proclaimed to be founded, and as recognised by the Societas ab initio.

    2. Initially the following special provisions shall obtain:

      1. Prior to attaining 15 members, the members of the Societas Via Romana shall elect as necessary (i.e. at least once annually) only the following officers: one Censor (for two years) with the full powers of both to keep the records, and one Rogator to conduct elections and votes, and one Aedilis to manage mailing lists and Web sites.

      2. The Censor, Aedilis and the Rectores of the four Collegia initially established shall constitute the initial Senatus and collectively guide and direct the Societas, exercising collectively all the powers to eventually be distributed among the not-yet-extant Magistratus as well as its own.

      3. In the absence of Praetores, it shall vote on appeals from membership applicants disapproved by the Censor, who shall not vote in such cases, and it shall conduct adjudicative procedures if necessary as a judicial committee of the whole, the involved parties not voting.

      4. Provinciae may be established whenever the conditions therefore are met, and their Praefecti added to the Senatus. Similarly, additional Collegia may be admitted and their Rectores added to the Senatus.

      5. If any member has multiple rôles entitling him to a position in the Senatus, he may only vote once as one person.

      6. Until the election of the Consules, the Senatus shall elect a Princeps Senatus for a renewable six-month term to convoke the Senatus and the Comitia.

      7. Until a Rogator is chosen, all votes may be public in both Senatus and Comitia Generalia.

      8. Until there are 50 members, Magistratus may be elected to the same office for unlimited consecutive terms.

    3. When 15 members are enrolled, there shall be elections for Consules as necessary; when 25 members are enrolled, there shall be elections for Praetores as necessary;

    4. When there are 35 members, a second Censor shall be elected, an additional Aedilis shall be elected, and an additional Rogator shall be elected as needed;

    5. When there are 65 members enrolled, there shall be elections [for] extra Aediles, if the Aediles feel the necessity hereto;

    6. When there are 100 members, there shall be elections for Tribuni Sodalium;

    7. When there are 200 members, there shall be elections for the two Quaestores Generales and Quaestores provinciales as necessary. Quaestores may not simultaneously hold any other offices. No aeraria (treasuries) shall be held by the Societas or its provinciae prior to the election of Quaestores.

    8. If at any point no candidate presents himself for mandated positions, the Senatus by majority vote shall extend the deadline for announcement of candidature, and invite named suitable members to stand for these offices.

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